…on Home Before Dark
Home Before Dark
Mar 8 - Apr 21, 2024, Genk (BE)
For Home Before Dark, Gideon Kiefer invited no less than 17 artists to join him in an exhibition about the passing of things/time and the traces they leave as artists in their struggle with mortality. Home Before Dark shows an amalgam of memories of a lost past, laid out in the gallery that temporarily became a home for the artists, just for now, before dark. With works by: Ruben Bellinkx, Elke Andreas Boon, Christophe Coppens, Charles Degeyter, Edouard Devriendt, Peter De Meyer, Marco De Sanctis, Ritsart Gobyn, Gideon Kiefer, Nadia Naveau, Shirley Villavicencio Pizango, Bruno V. Roels, Guy Slabbinck, Jan Vanriet, Bent Van Looy, John Van Oers, Simon Verheylesonne, Tinus Vermeersch.
'Chestnut Grenades and Shooting Sticks' at Barbé Gallery.
Save the date!
Excited to participate in 'Chestnut Grenades & Shooting Sticks' at Barbé Gallery from February 17th to March 24th. Alongside following fine artists: Marie Cloquet, Carole Ebtinger, Štefan Papčo & Paola Siri Renard.
Be Welcome!
Some press on 'Zo Ver het Oog Zien Kan - Douven vs Kiefer'
Upcoming: 'Tekening - Disegno'
Financieel Dagblad (Nl) on Ecce Homo...
Video of artist talk at Maagdenhuis, Antwerp...
Artcouch.be on DE OPWARMING...
ARTDEPeNDENCE Magazine on Ecce Homo...
The Art Couch...
Weekend Knack...
Some more press on 'Beauty of The Beast'...
Het Laatste Nieuws...
Ecce Homo website...
Check out the website of the upcoming Ecce Homo exhibition in Antwerp later this year.
Click here! She's still in mint condition.
"Learning to Die in the Anthropocene", 30.V.2017, 2846AD ©Gideon Kiefer