… about the title of my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne.
HART magazine on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne...
Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen on my exhibition in Museum Gevaert-Minne...
De Lage Landen on my exhibition at Museum gevaert-Minne...
Trends on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne...
Announcement in Het Belang van Limburg...
Apparently I’m also a musician…
My work at 'Tekening (Disegno)' in SASK, Sint-Niklaas.
Alongside a nice drawing of Berlinde De Bruyckere…
Some press on 'Zo Ver het Oog Zien Kan - Douven vs Kiefer'
Upcoming: 'Tekening - Disegno'
in Exposition, group show
Some photos of my show 'Sequence' at UNC Gallery in Seoul.
in gallery, Exposition, Publication
Preview pics…
Two of the works on display.
Video of artist talk at Maagdenhuis, Antwerp...
in Interview, group show, gallery, Exposition
Vienna Contemporary...
in Exposition, gallery, Art fair, Duo Show
Welcome! Look me up at the Geukens & De Vil booth...
Weekend Knack...
Some more press on 'Beauty of The Beast'...
Het Laatste Nieuws...