De Morgen Gidst, Zeno Magazine...
Kölnische Rundschau on my solo at Martin Kudlek Gallery...
in gallery, Exposition
TheArtCouch on my solo at Martin Kudlek Gallery in Cologne...
in gallery, Exposition
My Ecce Homo book...
in Interview, group show, gallery, Exposition
Numbering and dating my new book at Die Keure. Getting it ready for the presentation!
Limited edition of 200 copies, published by Hannibal.
14 works inspired on Ecce Homo.
The presentation will be held on sunday 26 nov. at Het Maagdenhuis in Antwerp.
Interview with me by Eric Rinckhout (Dutch).
Limited seats!
Sign up on: https://www.eccehomoantwerpen.com/side-events-1
Weekend Knack...
Some more press on 'Beauty of The Beast'...
Het Laatste Nieuws...
Der Kölnische Rundschau...
Upcoming show at Galerie Martin Kudlek
in Exposition, gallery, group show
Publication Humo
in Publications