De Morgen Gidst, Zeno Magazine...
Chair(wo)man in Sabato, De Tijd
Confined Challenge 2.0
A Fine way to get your hands on a cool artwork of one the Geukens & De Vil gallery’s artists, including mine! Check it out!
Sabato's Chef d'Oeuvre with 'The Jar'...
Tnx for this, Thijs Demeulemeester!
'Time Out', Radio 1, host Michaël Robberechts had a telephone call with me...
… about the title of my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne.
De Gentenaar on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne.
Klara Pompidou's Nicky Aerts’ interview about my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne.
On monday 14th of September I was invited to the VRT Klara radio studio by host Nicky Aerts to talk about my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne.
Guido Vanden Berghe, a Belgian mathematician and physicist and emeritus full professor at Ghent University also was also a guest. He came to talk about the somewhat forgotten mathematician Simon Stevin.
Enjoy the podcast!
HART magazine on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne...
Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen on my exhibition in Museum Gevaert-Minne...
De Lage Landen on my exhibition at Museum gevaert-Minne...
Trends on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne...
De Standaard on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne
My humble thanks to Geert Van der Speeten!
Dorpsmagazine Sint-Martens-Latem on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne
Loathemsche Kleppe on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert Minne
De Standaard Weekblad on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne
Internetgazet on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne
The on my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne
'The Room is Lit By Electric Light' at Museum Gevaert-Minne
This weekend my solo exhibition opens in museum Gevaert-Minne in Sint-Martens-Latem. My work will be in dialogue with the permanent collection of the museum. Some names from this collection are Gust De Smet, Permeke, Gustave Van De Woestijne… Below you can see some pictures of some ‘dialogues’. Be welcome!